Society for 2020 Anthropological Sciences Carol R. Ember Book Prize: Call for Submissions


Submissions are now open for the 2020 Society for Anthropological Sciences Carol R. Ember Book Prize.  This prize recognizes books whose significant theoretical, empirical, or methodological contributions to anthropology embody the mission of SAS to advance the scientific study of human societies.

Single or multi-authored books, including edited volumes, are eligible.  Submissions must have a publication date of 2019 or 2020 to be eligible for the 2020 award.  Any submitted book is ineligible for submission to future competitions.   There is no monetary award associated with the prize.

To submit your work, either one electronic copy or three hard copies must be sent to the address below.   No other materials other than the book itself will be considered. Your publisher may be willing to supply electronic or hard copies of your book for our committee’s review.  A committee consisting of the SAS elected senior board members will evaluate all submitted books.  The winner will be announced at the SAS business meeting at the 2020 AAA Raising Our Voices Event Series.   The winner will be notified in advance of the meeting.

All submissions must be received by the deadline of November 1, 2020:

Douglas Hume
Chair, SAS Book Prize Committee
Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Philosophy
Northern Kentucky University
Landrum Academic Center, Room 217D
1 Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, Kentucky 41099