2021 AAA Preliminary Program - SAS Sessions
The following is the preliminary program of Society for Anthropological Sciences sessions at the upcoming 2021 American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings in Baltimore and online.
Of course, we have many members who will be presenting at the meetings in non-SAS sponsored sessions!
For the most current information please visit https://annualmeeting.americananthro.org/.
Thursday November 18
(2-1551) Challenges to Teaching Anthropological Research Methods
Roundtable / Townhall (Virtual)
Society for Anthropological Sciences
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM
H Russell Bernard, Alissa Ruth, Melissa Beresford, Bryan Brayboy, Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Meskerem Glegziabher, Clarence Gravlee, Krista Harper, Pardis Mahdavi, Rosalyn Negron, Robin Nelson, Jeffrey Snodgrass
(2-1640) Altruism in Ethnography: Re-imagining a Classic Framework through Anthropology's Current Diversity
Oral Presentation (In-Person) - Convention Center 347
Society for Anthropological Sciences
11/18/2021: 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Summar Saad, Max Stein, Carrie Perkins, Lessye DeMoss, Ian Skoggard, Anwar Anwar, Lilian Zhang
(2-1520) Culture as a Space of Meaning
Oral Presentation (In-Person) - Convention Center 347
Society for Anthropological Sciences
4:15 PM - 6:00 PM
Randy Arnold, Toni Copeland, Randy Arnold, Nicole Henderson, Clarence Gravlee, William Dressler, Francois Dengah, Ana Falcão, Nicole Henderson
Friday November 19
(3-2411) Community Based Management: Scaling Up Clean Water Schemes in Pakistan
Poster (In-Person) - Ruth
Society for Anthropological Sciences
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Stephen M. Lyon
(3-2260) Experimental approaches to truth and responsibility
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Society for Anthropological Sciences
4:15 PM - 6:00 PM
Cristine Legare, Ben Kenward, Jordan Kiper, Ulises Espinoza, Alejandro Erut, H. Clark Barrett, Joshua Homan, Danijela Jerotijevic
Saturday November 20
(4-3250) Cultural, Ecological, and Linguistic Models: Applications and Practices
Volunteered - Oral Presentation (In-Person & Virtual) - Convention Center 341
Society for Anthropological Sciences
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Sarah Carson, Grace East, Viacheslav Rudnev
(4-3151) Ethnographic Field and Data Analysis Methods: One-on-one Mentoring
Mentoring Event (In-Person & Virtual) - Caroll A & B
Society for Anthropological Sciences
12:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Douglas Hume, Stephen Chrisomalis, William Dressler, Stephen Lyon, Kathryn Oths, Francois Dengah, Susan Weller, Jean Schensul, Stephen Schensul, Ian Skoggard, Murray Leaf
Sunday November 21
(5-3610) Cultural Processes for Constructing Truth, Untruth, and Things in Between
Oral Presentation (In-Person) - Convention Center 346
Society for Anthropological Sciences
10:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Werner Hertzog, Alice Huguet, Luke Matthews, R. Alexander Bentley
Asynchronous Content
(0-1460) A Three-Phase Method for Determining Saturation in Ethnographic Studies with Multiple Qualitative Data Sources
Talk (Virtual)
Society for Anthropological Sciences
Anthony DiStefano
(0-0200) The Myth of Language Purity
Thesis Competition (Virtual)
Society for Anthropological Sciences
Grace East
(0-0670) Notion of intelligence in Toltec shamanism.
Individual Poster (Virtual)
Society for Anthropological Sciences
Sriram Balasubramanian