2022 SfAA Preliminary Program - SAS Sessions


The following is the preliminary program of Society for Anthropological Sciences sessions at the upcoming 2022 Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meetings at Salt Lake City and online.

Of course, we have many members who will be presenting at the meetings in non-SAS sponsored sessions!

For the most current information please visit https://www.appliedanthro.org/annual-meeting.

(W-11) WEDNESDAY 9:00-10:45
Emigration (Onsite)
The Power of Networks (SAS)
CHAIR: LYON, Stephen (AKU-Int’l)
CARSON, Sarah (U Penn) The New Girls’ Clubs: Candidate Training Programs and the Women Changing the Face of U.S. Politics
KNISELY, Denise (NKU) The Creation of Knowledge Networks for Adjunct Faculty
LYON, Stephen, TAN, Jeff, and GRIESER, Anna Catherine (AKU-Int’l) Social Connections and Community Based Management Schemes in Northern Pakistan

(W-41) WEDNESDAY 11:15-1:00
Emigration (Onsite)
Consensus Analysis and Cultural Model Theory: An Evolving Relationship (SAS)
PANELISTS: BENNARDO, Giovanni (NIU), CHRISOMALIS, Stephen (Wayne State U), HURWICZ, Margo-Lea (U Missouri-Saint Louis), LOWE, Edward (Soka U-America), SHIMIZU, Hidetada (NIU), DE MUNCK, Victor (Vilnius U)
DISCUSSANT: WELLER, Susan (UT Med-Galveston)

(TH-104) THURSDAY 3:45-5:30
Little Cottonwood (Onsite)
SAS Executive Meeting

THURSDAY 5:30-7:30
Little Cottonwood (Onsite)
SAS Business Meeting

THURSDAY 7:30-9:00
Little Cottonwood (Onsite)
SAS Reception

(F-11) FRIDAY 9:00-10:45
Emigration (Onsite)
Culture and Modernity (SAS)
STAPLETON, Maria and STAPLETON, Charles (NIU) Cultural Models of Marriage in Central Mexico: Indigenous Custom Marriage
THOMAS, Michael (Wayne State U) Revolutionary Temptations: The Critical Axis of Design, Disenchantment, and Pluralism in Designing the Future World across the US and China
JONES, Nathan (UC Boulder) Futures Building in the “Design Lab”: Connecting Global Communities from Tajikistan to Colorado

(F53) FRIDAY 12:00-5:00
Whova (Online Only)
Cultural Consensus Analysis (SAS Workshop, Fee $50)
John Gatewood, Professor Emeritus, Lehigh University
John Lowe, President, Cultural Analysis Group

(F-41) FRIDAY 1:30-3:15
Millcreek (Onsite)
Sugar Cane Farming Community Development during COVID: Findings of the 2021 Ethnographic Field School in Belize (SAS)
CHAIR: HUME, Douglas (NKU)

(S-11) SATURDAY 9:00-10:45
Emigration (Onsite)
Coping with Ecological Stress, Part I (SAS)
CHAIR: DRESSLER, William (U Alabama)
DRESSLER, William and OTHS, Kathryn (U Alabama) Cultural Consonance in Food, Cultural Consonance in Life Goals, and Psychological Distress: What Contrasting Effects Tell Us about Brazil
NORDIN, Andreas (U Gothenburg) Modelling the Cognition and Culture of Oneriomantic Dream Divination PLACEK, Caitlyn (BSU) Cross-Cultural Variation in Pregnancy Fasting

(S-41) SATURDAY 11:15-1:00
Emigration (Onsite)
Coping with Ecological Stress, Part II (SAS)
CHAIR: SKOGGARD, Ian (Human Relations Area Files)
SKOGGARD, Ian, PIERRO, Rachele, and EMBER, Carol R. (Human Relations Area Files), PITEK, Emily (GWU) How Social Capital Actually Operates in Disaster Risk Reduction: A Cross-Cultural Survey
STAPLETON, Charles and STAPLETON, Maria (NIU) Central Mexican Farmers and Their Cultural Models of Nature
STEIN, Max and LEVI, Salvatore (FGCU) Evaluating Long-Term Effects of the Pandemic on Basic Needs Securities at a Florida Public University

(S-48) SATURDAY 11:15-1:00
Wildcat (Livestreamed from SLC)
Water Heritage in the West: How Water Shapes Communities over Time (SAS)
CHAIRS: COHEN, Anna and CANNON, Molly Boeka (USU)
WALZER, Mariah, COHEN, Anna S., and CANNON, Molly Boeka (USU) Water in the Desert: A Long-Term Perspective on Great Basin Water Heritage
SCHOENKOPF, Austin (MT State U) Lightning from Cloudless Skies: Water, Memory, and Historic Preservation in the East Mojave
ROSE, Jeff and ZAJCHOWSKI, Chris (U Utah) Perceptions of Recreational Scarcity: Social and Cultural Meanings of Climate-induced Fluctuations on the Dolores River Watershed
CANNON, Molly, COHEN, Anna, and JENSON, Megan (USU) Dimensions of Water Heritage in the Mountain West: A Case Study from Northern Utah
PARRY, Darren (Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation) Life in a Dry, Arid Place: Lessons and Water Stories from Shoshone Elders

(S-71) SATURDAY 1:30-3:15
Emigration (Onsite)
The Nuts and Bolts: Ethnographic Research and Methods Mentoring (SAS)
CHAIR: SKOGGARD, Ian (Human Relations Area Files)
PANELISTS: LYON, Stephen (AKU-Int’l), CHRISOMALIS, Stephen (Wayne State U), HUME, Douglas (NKU), DENGAH, Francois (USU), SKOGGARD, Ian (Human Relations Area Files), DRESSLER, William and OTHS, Kathryn (U Alabama), SCHENSUL, Jean (ICR), SCHENSUL, Stephen L. (UCHC), LOWE, John (Cultural Analysis), GATEWOOD, John (Lehigh U), WELLER, Susan (UTMB)